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Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

02 Feb 2004

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

February 4, 2004: Doctoral Seminars in Water Engineering and Management

The Water Engineering and Management Field of Study of SCE will lead a series of Doctoral Seminars starting February 4, 2004 at Room E220. To be held twice a month, the inaugural seminar will highlight two doctoral candidates, Mr. Chucheep Wongsupap who will talk on ‘What is Euthrophication Modeling?’ and Mr. Chanon Thaicharoen who will discuss the ‘Analysis of Wastewater Discharge into the Upper Gulf of Thailand.’

The Seminar Series will provide master’s students some updates, ideas, and insights on the nature and status of doctoral researches in Water Engineering and Management. The activity is coordinated by Dr. Roberto Clemente with the support of WEM Doctoral Student Representative, Mr. Chanon T.

All students are cordially invited. For further details, please contact the Dr. Roberto Clemente at tel: 5568, email: [email protected] or Mr. Chanon T. at tel: 5795, email: [email protected]