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How to perform impactful research in the field of Information Systems? Meet the Editor

01 Dec 2016
The seminar will have two sessions on “Research on information technology and competitive advantage” on 6 December 2016 from 1300-1600 hours; and on “How to perform impactful research in the field of Information Systems? Meet the Editor” on 7 December 2016 from 1300-1600 hours at DBA Room 230 (Second Floor), School of Management.

  •     Research on information technology and competitive advantage” on 6 December 2016 from 1300-1600 hours;
  •     How to perform impactful research in the field of Information Systems? Meet the Editor  on 7 December 2016 from 1300-1600 hours.


Information technology (IT) is changing the way firms operate internally as well as improving the firm’s relationship with its suppliers and customers. However, IT investments not always generate in all firms the expected results. Since some IT resources (e.g., outsourceable IT artifacts) can be relatively easy to acquire from the market, what it is critical in explaining IT-based performance variation is how the firm leverages IT resources (i.e., IT capabilities) instead of how much invests in IT resources. In this sense, we are urged to build and test impactful theories to explain whether, why, and how IT capabilities generate improvements in the firm’s competitiveness. Because the importance of IT capabilities for firm’s success, IT capabilities are thus the natural starting point of a study on business value of IT today.
In this Ph.D. Seminar, I plan to position the research topic of business value of IT in the field of Information Systems (IS). I will present this positioning in the first session. In the second session, I will provide a list of key success factors to perform impactful research on IS as well as will explain the review process in two leading IS journals: European Journal of Information Systems, and Information & Management. Additionally, I plan to show a fine-grained selection of my best research in progress published and on IT and competitive advantage. Jose can be contacted at [email protected].

Jose Benitez is an Associate Professor of IS in the School of Human Resource Management, and the School of Business, University of Granada, Spain. Jose is also the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, and the COVIRAN-Prodware Chair of Digital Human Resource Strategy at the School of Human Resource Management. Jose is Visiting Professor of IS at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. His research interests cover the study of how the firm’s portfolio of IT capabilities affects organizational capabilities and firm performance. His research has been published in leading IS journals such as MIS Quarterly, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Information & Management, and Journal of Business Research. He currently serves as Associate Editor for European Journal of Information Systems, and Information & Management. Jose is also the Vice President for IS Activities of the European Decision Sciences Institute, and the Conference Chair of the Annual Conference of the European Decision Sciences Institute 2017.

Details can be downloaded from this link.